
目前顯示的是 9月, 2015的文章

Business Analysis and Scope Management

告訴大家一個好消息囉。 如果大家對商業分析師有興趣,但是不清楚這是什麼樣的新興專業時,2015年9月14日(一)晚上19:30 在台灣敏捷專家協會有一場免費的課程:Business Analysis & Scope Management。 這場課程,會說明商業分析在公司的功能及任務,商業分析師跟專案經理的關係,及目前國際上相關商業分析師的認證說明與比較。 有興趣的朋友, 可以至敏捷專家協會 臉書粉絲團報名。 https://www.facebook.com/agileme.org Business Analysis and Scope Management

IIBA CBAP Prep Course

告訴大家一個好消息囉。台灣敏捷專家協會在2015年9月正式取得IIBA認證通過的EEP囉。 TAEA在10月份開班,招收12名受訓學員。雖然是第一班,但是TAEA為了推廣商業分析在台灣的應用,其實早在一年前就已經由多位業界實務人士組成了商業分析課程研究小組(Business Analysis Study Group),透過系統化的學習,應用敏捷的方式,開發出全新的上課教材。 TAEA講師發心,將本次上課的講師費用,全部捐給台灣敏捷專家協會,做為推廣敏捷專案管理及商業分析在台灣的應用。 想要參加的朋友,在九月中旬可以有早鳥票。詳細的招生資訊,請參考請協會網站: http://www.agileme.org.tw/training.html

Lastest News on the IIBA Certification Program

International Institute of Business Analysis ™ (IIBA ® ) is dedicated to the development and maintenance of standards for business analysis and the certification of practitioners. As part of the organization’s strategic plan, IIBA has committed to enhancing our certification program to meet the growing demands of the global marketplace.   IIBA launched BABOK ® Guide v3 in April. As previously communicated, work has been underway to redesign the current certification program. Many practitioners who are interested in becoming certified have inquired about the timing of this effort, and we are pleased to provide you with an update.   Important Dates to Remember   In November 2015 ,  IIBA  will announce a revised certification framework, which will include:   A multi-level structure which recognizes increasing levels of maturity along the BA career path. The establishment of competency-based learning outc...